Sunday, October 31, 2010

My IVF: 2WW.. what if it Positive? or what if it is Negative?

18 October
My 2WW period was almost at the end. I just can't help myself to think of these 2 questions , "What if  the result is Positive? or what if the result is Negative?".  So i did a compilation a list of things to do if the result is a BFP (Big Fat Positive) or turn out to be a BFN (Big Fat Negative). I guess it would be good as a mental theraphy or a preparation for me for the my beta blood test result tomorrow.

If it is a BFP
- Yeayyy.... it will be our happiest life together..
- I will update my status to my forum's friends .. hopefully it will give them inspiration to keep on trying to conceive..
- Will inform all my family.. telling them that they are going to have a new member soon
- I will definately continue blogging.. perhaps with a new chapters.. erm... "Surviving the first trimester" maybe
- Do more planning for the crucial 1st trimester
- Buy some new clothes.. good pair of sandals to go to office
- Buy a good pregnancy book (found a few at Borders.. still need to survey in the internet which one is the best.. cannot buy all of them.. only have 1 budget for it)
- Survey for nearby clinic to do my check-up for 2nd trimester onward (For 1st trimester, need to continue check-up at KLFertility)
- and.. many more.. hehehe.. daydreaming..again (Suka berangan i ni)

Else if it is BFN
- Ermm..of course, like a normal people.. we would be frustrated a bit.. but hopefully we can accept the result as calm as we could.. no tears.. no stress..
- I will still continue blogging...also new chapter... the title would sound something like "The second hope" maybe  
- Still need to inform the result to my immediate family members.. sms will just do
- Update my status to my forum's friends who i'm sure looking forward for my result too
- Need to do plan for our next Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET), rearange my office work.. my husband outstation schedule, our leaves (need to save some leaves so that i can have more carry forward leave for next year)
- Need to do more search on the net on FET  
- Thinking of getting rid of those extra kilos.. especially.. my spare tyres
- Our life will be normal.. again..
- But most importantly, both of us must be together, never give up our hope and gain our strength in continuing our journey for the second hope... ;)

At this point of time, even though the hope is 50 -50....i kept praying hard that tomorrow will be our happiest day.

Pray hard... jams


  1. Seems like you got a lot of planning. To have a successful IVF process, my personal experience is to have a healthy lifestyle. Firstly, weight control is very important, the best is through exercise. I would suggest yoga for the best option. Not sure whether there is any restriction to Muslim :). You may consider my suggestion.

  2. Agreed.. healthy lifestyle is important for TTC especially ivf..
    I've planned to do various exercises; jogging, aerobics, play badminton, gym....
    yes.. there was a restriction for muslim to practice yoga. however i did some stretching exercise.. something similar like yoga.. but not yoga.. ;P..

  3. Bouncing exercise is not recommended. If yoga is restricted, then jogging or dancing is best recommended. Actually aerobics and those heavy jumping exercise is not recommended. If Pilates is not the restricted exercise, you may consider. This can strengthen your abdominal and lower part of your body.

  4. jams... i pulak yang berdebar-debar nih... huhuhuhu... you are right! we have to have a healthy lifestyle. It's a blessing in disguise kan that we know we can't get preggy naturally... at least we can prepare in advance so that it would be the best for the baby and for us. Anyway,whatever the result is, pasti ada hikmah di sebaliknya... Take care.

  5. sweet tooth.. tak sangke org lain yg berdebar pulak ek.... yes, whatever the result was.. i believed, there is always hikmah ;)..
    Are u TTC or doing ivf too?

  6. Lovebaby.. i'm also thinking of pilates.. seems so far there is no restriction for muslim to do pilates..

  7. If you are about to undergo fertility treatment, then you should reach out and accept all the help and support you are offered. There are a number of tips to help IVF work better and to increase your chances of a successful and happy outcome.

    Egg Donor(s)

  8. Very informative blog. You read very crucial information about Best IVF Centre in Punjab. I recommend you other patients must read this blog.


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