Thursday, October 28, 2010

My IVF: 2WW.. is it the signs or is it just the side effects

During my 2ww, one of my fav thing that i like to google is the "day post transfer signs and symptoms" experienced by those who did IVF. Then i like to compare my symptoms with their symptoms.. if i have the same symptoms with those who got a positive result... then it makes me smile.. thinking that my symptoms would indicate that my result could be BFP (Big Fat Positive) too and i could possibly be pregnant. 
But if my symptoms same as those who got a BFN (Big Fat Negative) result.. it makes me ermmm.. kinda loosing hope.. a bit  ;(.
Whatever it is .. i'm sure lots of you also did this same thing during your 2ww, right.. ;)
Eventhough i really enjoy my 2ww, surviving this period of time is very challenging...i try not to think about the signs, but i can't just get it out of my head & everything keeps remind me of it..... fuhhss. One day, when doing a searching over the net, i was so happen to found this phrase in one of the IVF website ~ 
"If you're taking progesterone, it can mimic pregnancy symptoms or it can also make you feel like your period is on its way."
Ohh... ermm ok.. then i tell myself, ..."i really need to ignore all those signs and just enjoy my 2ww.. yeahhh"
Anyway, since the "day post transfer signs and symptoms" during the 2ww seems to be a favorite things to be read by all IVFers.., i guess, i just share all my signs or symptoms here
(Note: Day Post Transfer here means day after the embryo transfer)

Day 1 - 4 Post Transfer
~  I sometime had mild cramp especially at night .. something like period pain..
~ On Day 2.. there was this one time... at around 11.30 pm.. i felt sharp pain on my lower 

    abdomen and a bit of nausea.. 
~ I also have trouble sleeping..have this mild back pain on my 
waist while sleeping 
~ Every morning.. i woke up at 5am.. then unable to get back to sleep...
~ I easily get hungry.. and if i don't fill up my stomach with food, i will definitely get the 

~ I experienced some constipation.. -> What i did was I drink yogurt juice first thing in the 

   morning and  whallaa it more constipation
~ My tummy felt a bit bloated.. maybe i'm still not fully recovered from the egg retrieval 

~ Got sore breast too

Day 5- 8 Post Transfer
Same thing happen during day 1 - 4 but this time.. i sometime got headache.
Maybe because not enough sleep. Though i have trouble sleeping at nite.. i dont really take nap during the day.. ermmm.. maybe when i have too much rest, i don't really need too much of sleeping.. 

 Day 9 Post Transfer
~ My period-pain-like cramping felt stronger and more frequent at night.
   So do the sharp pain on the lower abdomen.
   If i calculate my cycle.. i should be getting my period in 1 or 2 days
   At this point of time.. really really worried .. huhuhu
~I was also craving for food.. There was this one time i asked my husband to buy the

  secret recipe cake.. so my hubby bought the yogurt cheese cake..yum yum.. but 
  somehow it ended up that he ate 3/4 of the cake.. huhu
~Oh ya.. my tummy still bloated and now a bit bulging.. my husband once make a joke.. 

  "your tummy looks like 2 months pregnant.. hehe".
   Actually even before i started the treatment.. i already got this spare tyre around my 

   tummy ;P
~ My breast soreness has gone.. weird eh.. usually towards my Aunt Flow day.. my breast 

   will become sore

This is the yogurt cheese cake i'm taking about..
looks yummy, isn't it ;)
(Pix taken from Secret Recipe website)

Day 10 -11 Post Transfer 

~ The cramp felt stronger.. it just felt like my inner abdomen was being twisted ...The 
    cramps were more frequent and longer this time
~ Felt very tired at nite. Maybe because I had really restless sleep for the past 2 weeks due

   to the cramp and back pain. .. From my waist down until my toe..  it felt aching and 
    tired.. just like after i jogged or had a long distance walked.. 
~ My tummy felt really bloated. My skin around my tummy area felt a bit stretched. ehee ;)
Even though these symptoms sometime make me uncomfortable and not feeling well.. i do luv this wonderful experience.. 
So frens.. is it the signs or is it just the side effects of the medications? Or can it just be a psychological game?
It can only be answered by the end of my 2ww..
Pray hard... jams


  1. Hi jams..glad i found your blog..hehe..i am planning for ivf soon..i have regular period..predictable..i used to feel bloated and sore breast like a week before due then the sore reduced to feel painful, started to feel lenguh kaki mcm baru lepas exercise, crampy..then sharp abdominal pain..then mesti period..I know already when breast no longer aching..period is just around the corner huhu..I have had 3 failed IUIs..about the same experience in normal cycle approaching the due date of period huuu..wish us all the luck in the world..

  2. areina dear..
    thanx for visiting my blog.. ;)
    So when do you planned to start your ivf and may i know which fertility center will you be doing your ivf?

    ahaaa.. our symptoms when the Aunt Flow is around the corner is about the same ek.. like you said.. very predictable..

    Hope that whatever i wrote in this blog would give some idea on how IVF is done.. what to expect.. what preparation should be done etc etc.. and all the best!!

  3. I am 14 days post transfer...and pregnant! I am having stabbing pains in lower side abdomen when I stretch or have to go to the bathroom. I am concerned about an ectopic...should i be?


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