Sunday, October 10, 2010

Share your stories

If you have any story, story on the treatment you have done ..iui.. ivf.. or traditional treatment..or if you haven't started any treatment but you are facing infertility problems.. you are most welcome to share it with all the couples out there in this blog.  

Your story can be short or long, can be in English or BM or bahasa campur pun boleh ;). 
Just send in your story to me @ Please also state your nickname which to be appear in the blog. The title of your story will be something like this 
                                Story by <your nickname> : First IVF


  1. tq for creating this blog... its really good to have someone that has almost same experienced with me..

    InsyaAllah , i'll share my story...

    tq again

  2. Dear fren.. you are most welcome to share your story here.. many thanks in advance ;)

    ps: If your story in Bahasa Malaysia.. i'll help u to translate it in English.. so that all of our frens all over the world can also read your story.


Do share your comment and thought here... ;)